Solving lending problems between the mortgage bookends – Regtech Report: LoanLogics CEO: The middle of mortgage lending is a nightmare

By Caroline Basile  sourced from Housingwire

In the final installment of the Regtech Report, a podcast series sponsored by ComplianceEase, HousingWire Editor-in-Chief Jacob Gaffney talks with the CEO of LoanLogics, Brian Fitzpatrick, on the next wave of significant mortgage disruption: regtech.

Fitzpatrick outlines the roadblocks facing the full end-to-end implementation of the digital mortgage. According to Fitzpatrick, regtech can help us get there in ways that “traditional fintech has failed.”

The great thing, he adds, is the potential for regtech to aid compliance in a lending environment where QM originations are set to get a boost.

But how can regtech also be leveraged to ensure the quality of the loan data and make managing the entire origination process go smoother? Listen to find out!

With higher levels of regulation and increased focus on monitoring and reporting, it became increasingly important for financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies to adhere and automate compliance task and reduce operational risks associated with regulatory requirements and reporting obligation.

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