Digital channels, loyalty and customer engagement panel discussion announce

Future of Brand & Customer Loyalty 2019 Conference is excited to announce the addition of a panel discussion to the programme: Future and ongoing impact of digital channels on customers’ engagement and loyalty to the brand.

The event features 15 informational presentations, as well as this pivotal discussion panel, where attending delegates can exchange ideas, and gain insights from industry-leaders from Consulta, Experian SA, BrandQuantum, Genesis Analytics, The Digital Data Bank, ABSA, Oracle, DSG & Experio, to name a few.

Taking place on the 20 & 21 February 2019 at the Indaba Hotel, Fourways in Johannesburg, this is the seminal event for professionals dealing with everything to do with brand, customer, marketing and loyalty in an epoch where customers’ loyalty is especially fickle and vacillating. Gain insights form the discussions surrounding the driving customer trust and loyalty through culture; behavioural economics and customer loyalty; crafting digital experiences that drive customer loyalty and the role of customer engagement in increasing brand and customer loyalty.

“Brand and ongoing customer loyalty is a big concerns for the marketplace, especially in this time where customers’ loyalty is rather based on convenience rather than brand affiliation,” said the event’s project manager, and Marketing & Coordination Manager Jason Joseph. “Marketing events generally attracting a more niche audience of decision-makers,” added Joseph, “with this event garnering a rather larger crowd, I think it is evidence that loyalty is, indeed, quite topical and needed for today’s marketing and brand management professionals.”

With less than 3 weeks left to register for the Future of Brand & Customer Loyalty Conference 2019, the event has already received registrations from eBucks Marketing, Flight Centre Travel Group New Markets, RMB Client Strategy, Sun International Marketing operations, RMB Transactions, FNB Customer Value Management, Sun International Loyalty Programmes, Kansai Plascon Marketing, Flight Centre Travel Group Campaigns, eBucks Public Relations, IQBusiness CEM, CIMS SA Business Development,  SA TaxiMedia Operations and FinGlobal, to name a few.

Register to attend the Future of Brand and Customer Loyalty Conference, hosted by Trade Conferences International, if you want to ensure you and your organisation is equipped with essential tools and insights for improving loyalty to your brand, retaining a loyal customer base and ensuring longevity of new relationships with your targeted audience.

For more information, or to register to attend this event, contact Jason Joseph, Project Manager & Marketing and Coordination Manager, on 011-803-1553 or



Normal registration fee: R8 800.00 + VAT = R10 120.00
12% Discount for group registrations of 3 or more: R7 744.00 + VAT = R8 905.06 p.p.
15% Discount for group registrations of 5 or more: R7 480.00 + VAT = R8 602.00 p.p.
For more on the conference visit the TCI website on

CLICK HERE to download the brochure or registration form



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