Only 1 week left to secure your seat for the Evolution of Data Analytics Conference –specifically tailored for professionals in banking and financial services.
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Our first class 2019 speaker line up
Meet representatives of the following companies:
- EOH * The Digital DataBank *First National Bank (FNB) * Standard Bank * Raise the Bar Analytics *AccTech Systems * SAS Sub Saharan Africa * Genesis Analytics *ScoreSharp * IQbusiness * BankservAfrica * IBM South Africa * Experian
Enquire now for special group discounted rates
Download full conference agenda
Visit the website of the organiser, Trade Conferences International
Registration fee:
Normal registration fee: R8 800.00 + VAT = R10 120.00 p.p.
12% Discount: Group registration fee for 3 or more delegates: R7 744.00 + VAT = R 8905.60 p.p.
15% Discount: Group registration fee for 5 or more delegates: R7 480.00 + VAT = R8 602.00 p.p.
To register as a delegate e-mail Ryno van Ellewee on . Interested in exhibiting or sponsoring then contact Jason Joseph, or call TCI on 011 803 1553