Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services Conference

  High level expert speaker panel representation of companies such as Altron Karabina, Augmented Startups, BrandQuantum, Business Optics, Consumer Profile Bureau, IBM Middle East & Africa, Mint Management Technologies, North Wind Digital, Pepper Potts, Smart Messaging.AI, and Strider will address delegates at the Artificial intelligence in Financial Services Conference 2019 The event organised by Trade…

The Digitisation & Cyber Security Conference is around the corner! Only 2 weeks left to register!!!

Only two weeks left to register and attend this uniquely South African cyber security professionals’ gathering. With the world of cyber crime constantly evolving and financial institutions, including banks and various financial services providers becoming increasingly more prominent targets-of-choice for malicious players operating in the industry, urgent action consistently need to be taken to ensure organisations are protected against their areas vulnerability. With banks migrating…

What’s the big deal with Digitisation and Cyber Security for your organisation?

Join high-level exclusive expert speakers at the Digitisation and Cyber Security Conference 2018, focusing on the banking industry from OneChannel, Aves Security Solutions, PPM Attorneys, Telspace Systems, IBM, Curve Technology Group, Opus Research, PwC, MWR InfoSecurity, Authlogics, Vodacom to name a few. Trade Conferences International will be hosting the Digitisation and Cyber Security Conference 2018,…

Securing the banking industry – Digitisation & Cyber Security Conference 2018 is coming

High-level representatives from companies such as One Channel, iToo Special Risks, OpusResearch, Telspace Systems,  Curve Technology Group, PPM Attorneys, IBM, PwC, AVeS Security Solutions, FrancisCronje, Perfomanta Consulting, Authlogics and more will be addressing the Digitisation and Cyber Security Conference 2018, focusing on the banking industry. The event, to be held on the 11 & 12…

Fraud & Financial Crime Analytics Conference 2017

  Your trusted event partner; Trade Conference International (TCI) is proud to bring to market yet another ground-breaking conference, that has been spearheaded by the latest market developments and leading research from leading global consultancies such as IBM, EY & SAS.   The Fraud & Financial Crime Analytics Conference 2017 is a welcome addition to…